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Testimonials :

Other testimonials

Sophysa, a renowned French company, has been a global pioneer in the field of neurosurgery since 1976. With a reputation for innovation and excellence, Sophysa revolutionised the treatment of hydrocephalus with the world’s first programmable valve. Their commitment to the continual improvement of patients’ quality of life is at the heart of their mission.

Recently, Sophysa had the opportunity to trial Perdelle-Neo, an innovative ergonomic device, within their teams. This initiative allowed them to explore how Perdelle-Neo can enhance work comfort and productivity, while reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The following testimonials, collected from Sophysa employees, illustrate the positive impact of Perdelle-Neo on their professional daily life.

“So for my part, I used it a lot in the preparation of finished products, over several hours or even a full night depending on the size of the work orders. The kit packaging is more complex and involves a lot of repetitive motions. When I arrived at Sophysa 3 years ago, I had epicondylitis in my right elbow, and as I continued working here, the pain moved to my shoulder despite rapid medical intervention (physiotherapy and examinations)…. The pain became chronic and now I live with 2 injections a year to be able to cope at work and in daily life…. For example: After a challenging night of repetitive motions, the pain sets in and prevents me from sleeping. So when I used the device, I immediately felt the difference in my shoulder. The pain was much less present and appeared later. Less pain when lying down, so better sleep quality and more operational the next day… I think that using it in the long term can really relieve me, or even avoid injections.” Emilie Lavier – Off-Room Packaging (Night)
“I tested it without having any particular pathology myself, however, the relief in the gesture is appreciable. It would be just as good for precisely preventing these pathologies, as for people who are already affected. Adjusting the tension elastic is not easy at first, but we quickly find what suits us. I tested it over two 7.5-hour work periods.” Sylvie – Off-Room Packaging
“As soon as you put your arms in the braces, you feel a comfortable support sensation in the arms. When used, it is a device that supports and follows the arm movements without constraint, which prevents tension in the shoulders and neck. After just an hour, you completely forget about it. Approved for me.” Production Off Clean Room