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Perdelle-Neo: Improving Workstation Ergonomics

Perdelle-Neo is a support device for arms and shoulders specially designed for ergonomics and the layout of the workstation. It is essential whether you are sitting or standing in all manufacturing companies; leather goods manufacturing, assembly, welding station, sorting station, control station, etc…

An arm support device, specifically designed for shift work.

Shift work is a reality in many sectors of activity. It is the origin of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in employees. The risks of MSDs affecting the arms, shoulders, wrists, back, legs, and feet are common among shift workers. These individuals must cope with repetitive movements associated with prolonged sitting or standing. Regardless of the prevention plan implemented, physical issues remain.

At Perdelle, we have designed an ergonomic arm support device to relieve these pains and prevent MSDs. This setup can adapt to any support thanks to its innovative design. Whether for bench work or workshop work, with handling of heavy or light parts, or in any other professional environment, we conduct an analysis of your way of working and offer advice and solutions to reduce risk and improve the safety of your workstations. Let’s see how Perdelle-Neo’s ergonomics can alleviate employees’ problems and the benefits companies reap from it.

Musculoskeletal Disorders Related to Shift Work.

They represent a real public health problem. According to data from the Social Security, they account for nearly 88% of occupational diseases in France. MSDs related to shift work affect employees and independent professionals who have to work in front of a screen, in prolonged standing or seated positions, and whose desk or environment does not have the appropriate ergonomics. Muscular and joint pains can be disabling. They lead to work stoppages and losses in productivity. Musculoskeletal disorders are often caused by poor posture, unsuitable work equipment, or a non-ergonomic work environment.

How can Perdelle-Neo alleviate these MSDs ?

Perdelle-Neo is an ergonomic support device designed to alleviate musculoskeletal pains associated with shift work. By using Perdelle-Néo, employees can adjust the height and angle of arm supports according to their individual needs, thereby reducing muscle and joint strain, and helping to prevent health risks and physical issues. Thanks to its very simple adjustment mechanism, the device also promotes better posture, helping to prevent pain in the shoulders, neck, and back.

This device has been conceptualized for workplaces in the industry, where employees can spend long hours standing and performing repetitive tasks; it is in this context that improvements in comfort and ergonomics are most notable. Indeed, it is possible to adjust the height and the angle of arm supports according to individual needs, which is particularly important for people handling tools or machines throughout the day. However, Perdelle-Neo’s design and conception are also suited for office use, with a computer screen, keyboard, and mouse, allowing for comfortable and pain-free use regardless of your seat’s height. Perdelle-Neo is easy to install and can be used on any desk, offering optimum comfort.

Assessment of the Benefits of Perdelle-Néo.

Perdelle-Néo offers numerous benefits for workers using machine tools and those involved in repetitive motions, as well as for computer workstation setups (screen/keyboard/mouse/…) or other roles with more specific ergonomic needs. By providing ergonomic arm support, Perdelle-Néo reduces muscular and joint pains, thus improving workers’ posture, comfort, and health. Utilizing Perdelle-Néo, therefore, contributes to better posture, which can lessen the risks of MSDs associated with shift work. Employees using Perdelle-Néo can work more comfortably and efficiently, without pain or excessive fatigue.


Improve workplace ergonomics now !

If you wish to enhance the working conditions of your on-duty employees and prevent MSDs, Perdelle-Néo is the solution you need. Contact us now to request a quote or to get more information on how Perdelle-Néo can reduce absenteeism and improve the productivity and quality of life of your employees. We are confident that you will be satisfied with the results obtained through the use of our device.


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Exoskeleton or Perdelle-Néo?

Exoskeletons are physical assistance devices (PAD) that have been developed to help users carry out physical tasks, improve their posture, and prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). They are designed to be worn on the body, often over clothes, and are sometimes motorized, thus enabling the operator to move their limbs more easily to perform the tasks assigned to them.

Exoskeleton: Fields of Application

Exoskeletons have numerous applications in various fields such as construction, industry, healthcare, and other physical labor tasks. They can assist users in lifting heavy and/or high objects, moving over long distances, or adopting a better posture while working.

The strengths…

The use of an exoskeleton offers several advantages. One of the main benefits is the reduction of the risk of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders), which are quite common among workers performing repetitive physical tasks. An exoskeleton can also help improve the operator’s posture, thereby reducing muscle pains and tensions in the arms, shoulders, and back, or in the legs when it involves walking. Consequently, it can enhance productivity by enabling its operator to perform specific movements more easily and quickly, while increasing user safety and comfort.

The weaknesses…

However, there are also disadvantages to using an exoskeleton that should be taken into consideration before any integration project into your production workflow. Firstly, it can be expensive to purchase and maintain, which may make its usage challenging for some businesses, and the cost could quickly outweigh the benefits it provides. Moreover, it can be bulky and cumbersome to wear over the long term, affecting users’ mobility and causing fatigue. Lastly, it sometimes requires a power source to operate, which incurs recurring costs proportional to the required power.

What is Perdelle-Néo ?

Compared to exoskeletons, Perdelle-Neo is an ergonomic device specially designed to support the arms and shoulders of workers at their workstations. Perdelle-Neo is easy to install and can be adapted to different workstations within minutes, making it a highly practical ergonomic solution. One of the main advantages of Perdelle-Neo is that it alleviates muscle pains and reduces the risks associated with MSDs while improving the posture and overall position of users, without requiring an investment of the same magnitude as an exoskeleton. Additionally, Perdelle-Neo does not require any power source to function, which nearly eliminates its operating costs. Finally, Perdelle-Neo is very affordable, making it a quickly cost-effective investment and a solution accessible to small businesses and independent workers.

The limitations of its use are

Perdelle-Neo cannot be used for all physical tasks, unlike exoskeletons, which can be employed in a wide range of applications depending on the model. Additionally, Perdelle-Neo is a passive device, meaning it doesn’t have the same capability for physical assistance as powered exoskeletons. Its goal is not to provide additional power to the user but rather to ease the user’s movements to reduce workplace strain.

Conclusion: Different Uses

In conclusion, exoskeletons and Perdelle-Neo are two ergonomic solutions that offer advantages and disadvantages depending on the user’s needs, the tasks at hand, and the company’s project.
An exoskeleton is more effective for tasks requiring physical assistance from nearly any part of the body, whereas Perdelle-Neo is better suited for tasks involving repetitive movements of the arms and shoulders with the aim of relieving muscles rather than augmenting them. Additionally, Perdelle-Neo is more affordable and easier to install than exoskeletons, making its integration into the company’s processes simpler, regardless of its size.

What is Perdelle-Néo ?

Compared to exoskeletons, Perdelle-Neo is an ergonomic device specifically designed to support the arms and shoulders of workers at their workstations. Perdelle-Neo is easy to install and can be adapted to various workstations within minutes, making it a highly practical ergonomic solution. One of the main advantages of Perdelle-Neo is that it alleviates muscle pain and reduces the risks associated with MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders), while improving the posture and overall position of users, without requiring an investment of the same magnitude as an exoskeleton. Additionally, Perdelle-Neo does not require any power source to operate, which nearly eliminates its operating costs. Finally, Perdelle-Neo is very affordable, making it a quickly cost-effective investment and a solution accessible to small businesses and independent workers.
In conclusion, exoskeletons and Perdelle-Neo are two ergonomic solutions that offer advantages and disadvantages depending on the user’s needs, the tasks at hand, and the company’s project.

Conclusion: Different Uses

Perdelle-Neo cannot be used for all physical tasks, unlike exoskeletons, which can be employed in a wide range of applications depending on the model. Additionally, Perdelle-Neo is a passive device, meaning it doesn’t have the same capability for physical assistance as powered exoskeletons. Its goal is not to provide additional power to the user but rather to ease the user’s movements to reduce workplace strain.

The limitations of its use are

An exoskeleton is more effective for tasks requiring physical assistance from nearly any part of the body, whereas Perdelle-Neo is better suited for tasks involving repetitive movements of the arms and shoulders with the aim of relieving muscles rather than augmenting them. Furthermore, Perdelle-Neo is more affordable and easier to install than exoskeletons, making its integration into the company’s processes simpler, regardless of its size.

Here is a summary table of the advantages and disadvantages of exoskeletons and Perdelle-Neo:


TMS reduction

Increase in productivity


Improvement of posture



Power-assisted task support




Bulky and short-term



Depending on power and usage





Easy to install



Passive device


In the end, it’s important to find the ergonomic solution that best suits each situation, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Whether it’s an exoskeleton or Perdelle-Neo, the goal is to reduce the risk of MSDs and improve the health and comfort of workers.

Here is a summary table of the advantages and disadvantages of exoskeletons and Perdelle-Neo:

In the end, it is important to find the ergonomic solution that best suits each situation, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Whether it’s an exoskeleton or Perdelle-Neo, the goal is to reduce the risk of MSDs and improve the health and comfort of the workers.